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HumRRO’s Beth Bynum Continues Core Value of Giving Back to the Profession

2022-02-15T10:46:46-05:00January 20th, 2022|Giving Back, HumRRO News|

Beth Bynum, Ph.D., was recently selected to serve on the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessment (CPTA) under the Board of Scientific Affairs. During the three-year term, Bynum will work with her fellow, distinguished committee [...]

Giving Back to Society: HumRRO Participates in a Celebration of Service at the National Mall on 9/11

2020-09-16T13:07:38-04:00September 19th, 2019|HumRRO News|

On September 11, a team of HumRRO staff from our Alexandria, Monterey, and Minneapolis offices joined thousands of volunteers on the National Mall in Washington DC to pack meals for low income senior citizens. The event, currently in its [...]

Giving Back to the Nation: A Tradition of Service to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

2020-09-16T13:24:10-04:00September 4th, 2019|Giving Back, HumRRO News|

As a nonprofit research and consulting organization, service is part of our DNA. One of the ways our staff members enhance public policy and “give back” to the nation is by sharing their time and expertise through service to [...]

Contributions to Society, Science, and the Profession Highlighted in HumRRO’s 2021-2022 Biennial Report

2023-09-28T09:36:21-04:00September 27th, 2023|HumRRO Blogs|

HumRRO emerged from the pandemic in 2021 stronger and more agile than ever. It is fitting that the year also marked HumRRO’s 70th anniversary. Our longevity is a testament to our ability to adapt to changing times, overcome cyclical [...]

HumRRO Research Scientists Elected as Officers of the 2023 PTCMW Board

2022-12-14T17:04:41-05:00December 15th, 2022|Giving Back, HumRRO News|

HumRRO is pleased to announce that research scientists, Samantha Elliott, Ph.D., and Emily Rost, Ph.D., were elected as officers of the Personnel Testing Council of Metropolitan Washington (PTCMW) for 2023. Elliott will serve as Recorder for the second year [...]

HumRRO’s Newly Released 2019-2020 Biennial Report Connects Core Values to Client Work

2021-07-23T14:50:20-04:00July 26th, 2021|HumRRO Blogs|

“Living Our Values” is the theme of the 2019-2020 HumRRO Biennial Report, which is now available online. In preparing the report, we set out to demonstrate how our five core values—results-oriented, quality, innovations, solutions, and integrity—are embodied in our [...]

HumRRO I-Os Help Grad Students Bridge the Gap from School to Career

2021-05-06T09:55:06-04:00May 6th, 2021|Giving Back, HumRRO News|

As the newly elected secretary of the Personnel Testing Council Metropolitan Washington (PTCMW), research scientist Arielle Rogers, Ph.D., carries on a long tradition of HumRRO contributions to science and giving back. Rogers succeeded Katelyn McCoy, research associate at HumRRO, [...]

A Dedication to Service: Deirdre Knapp, Ph.D., wins SIOP’s Distinguished Service Contributions Award

2021-03-30T10:05:30-04:00March 30th, 2021|HumRRO Blogs|

By any measure, Deirdre Knapp, Ph.D., has had an extraordinary career since arriving at HumRRO in the late 1980s: Helping HumRRO gain a toehold in the credentialing arena, then leading and growing that line of business for decades; designing and [...]