HumRRO works with many different state and local government agencies, helping them design, develop, implement, and evaluate a wide range of programs.

These are long-term, collaborative client relationships—many have existed for well over a decade, allowing us to truly understand the challenges our clients face: doing more with less and meeting the expectations of stakeholder groups, all while helping students and employees meet the challenges of a complex and ever-changing world.

Our work with state and local government clients has had wide ranging impact. In the education sector, we scale, score, and equate 250 different tests each year, ensuring that the results delivered to over 3.5 million students are accurate. We also help over 15 states design curricula, accommodate students with special needs, conduct alignment and validity studies, and develop rigorous and informative program evaluations. To learn more about our Education services, visit the Education Research & Evaluation page.
Our work in the employment sector occurs in high-stakes, litigious environments, requiring a unique blend of technical expertise and rigor. For example, we have conducted job analysis, assessment development, and evaluation work for law enforcement agencies in South Carolina and Georgia, and we created and administered multiple-hurdle Civil Service selection processes for entry-level fire service personnel in two municipalities.

Public Safety
For public safety agencies, selecting leaders is mission critical, whether it’s leading an incident or leading subordinates. HumRRO has partnered with agencies at the state and local levels, providing selection assessment tools for police, sherriff’s, corrections, fire, and EMS departments and industrial clients including utilities, transportation, and labor. These assessment tools have included knowledge exams, structured interviews, and assessment center exercises, such as in-baskets, subordinate role play, real time simulations, video interactive exercise, problem analysis, community meetings, roll call, rich media simulations and more. HumRRO is a leader in the use of video-based test delivery using live actors to present test content.