HumRRO has two summer internship programs:
(1) a Master’s-Level Internship available to full-time, graduate students currently enrolled in the first year of a terminal Master’s program in Industrial-Organizational Psychology (or related fields, e.g., Organizational Behavior, MBA, management) and
(2) a Ph.D.-Level Internship available to full-time, graduate students in I-O Psychology (or related fields) or Education (e.g., measurement, psychology, policy) programs.
Hear from our 2024 Summer Interns on what it’s like to intern at HumRRO!
Our summer internships are paid, full-time opportunities. Interns will also receive a housing stipend and paid vacation days. Interns are employed at HumRRO’s Corporate Headquarters in Alexandria, VA or in one of the remote offices depending on the available work.
Internship tasks typically include literature review, synthesis, and analysis; survey and other instrument development and administration; and documentation of findings. HumRRO is looking for responsible, motivated team players with strong technical and communication skills to assist in our contract research activities. HumRRO project directors will provide technical supervision and mentoring to help make the most of each intern’s exposure to and experience with our applied research setting.
Selection is competitive and will be based on a holistic review of application materials for evidence of communication and interpersonal skills, research experience and promise, initiative and motivation, academic coursework, and professional interests. We seek applicants who have a background in research methods and some experience conducting research (e.g., working on a research team, presenting as a co-author at a conference). Strong applicants also demonstrate their ability to participate in research activities, such as writing literature reviews, collecting data, and/or analyzing data. Finalists will be interviewed via Microsoft Teams.
Application Process
All application materials for HumRRO’s summer internships are due to the HumRRO office in Alexandria, VA by January 15th. Materials may be mailed in or submitted electronically. Each applicant must provide HumRRO with the following:
- A curriculum vitae/detailed resume
- A one-page personal statement of career goals and internship interests
Official transcript(s) of all graduate coursework
Contact information for two references
(i.e., the name, title, address, phone number, and e-mail address; recommendation letters are not needed)
About HumRRO
HumRRO is an independent nonprofit organization that conducts research and development in human performance for government agencies, private sector companies, and professional associations. Since 1951, HumRRO has drawn on time-tested principles about human behavior as well as new scientific and technologically advanced tools and concepts to enhance human performance and organizational effectiveness. HumRRO conducts these activities with the aim of finding practical solutions to real-world problems. HumRRO has a multidisciplinary group of professionals with a technically supporting staff. Our research scientists include experts in industrial and organizational psychology, educational research, and psychometrics.

HumRRO’s headquarters is in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside of our nation’s capital, north of Old Town Alexandria on the Potomac River. Other offices are located in Louisville, Kentucky; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Monterey, California; and San Diego, California.